“Would you rather be illusioned or disillusioned? Would you rather have illusions about the world or see things as they are?

To get disillusioned is actually a good thing… So what I am saying to people is don’t be afraid to be disillusioned. It’s better to be disillusioned than illusioned. Don’t be afraid to be dis-identified. Don’t identify with something outside of yourself to the extent that you become uncritical.”

— Dr. Gabor Maté


This is a living page of resources. Below are articles, posts and videos that have supported my unlearning and relearning.

Excerpt from former Senator James Abourezk’s report

The Relentless Israeli Propaganda Machine:

On May 14, 1948 - Israel declared itself to be an exclusive Jewish state. Eleven minutes later, President Truman extended US recognition to Israel. Thus, thirty-one years after British promises of independence for Palestine, the Arabs witnessed the ultimate betrayal - the establishment…of a new colony by the world’s big powers, controlled, not by Middle Eastern natives, but by Europeans. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs who had lived in peace on their own land were destined never to see their homeland again. What had begun as the Zionist movement’s clever manipulation of American and British politicians ended as a mechanism for the death and suffering of countless numbers of human beings in the Middle East.

In March of 1948, Plan D was authorised by Israeli leader David Ben-Gurion. This was part of a planned strategy to displace indigenous Palestinians from their homeland. It is the blueprint for the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. During the Nakba of 1948 (commemorated on May 15), Israel murdered over 15,000 Palestinians.


More resources to be added. Stay tuned!